ID: Man Sentenced for Felony Battery on Registered Sex Offender

TWIN FALLS – A man convicted of felony aggravated battery for beating a 69-year-old man was sentenced Monday in Twin Falls County District Court. Bradley Houser, 35, was sentenced to the state’s retained jurisdiction program. He will attend the Correctional Alternative Placement Program through the Idaho Department of Correction.

After the program, a judge can either put Houser on probation or send him to prison for an underlying sentence of three to 15 years. Houser was also ordered to reimburse the county public defender’s office for $500 and was ordered to pay victim’s restitution of $1,257.44.

Police said Houser beat the man because he is a registered sex offender. Full Article

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These cowardly bullies who bring harm to registrants always disgust me.
The odds are always WAY in their favor, with little risk to themselves.

Any law that is the cause of a senior citizen (any citizen) to get beaten for ten minutes is a bad law. It’s in fu_king-credible these laws are still allowed to exist. If the victim was black or a gay the predatory criminal Bradley Houser would never see the light of day again. Where’s the registry for criminals that actually harm people? This A-hole basically got a slap on the wrist. I’ll bet if the victim (Rick Perkins) sat on a bus bench in the wrong place that piss poor excuse of a judge would make sure Perkins never walked the streets again. The sentence Houser got isn’t justice; it’s a bad joke.

More pertinent, and left unsaid:

This was a plea deal that the prosecutor INITIATED. This means that the prosecutor was AFRAID of taking this to trial, because the defense attorney would have made the trial about the registrant’s own crime, and NOT about the attack.

This is typical in most cases involving attacks on registrants, and can be seen in the way that police departments don’t do a thing with vandalism complaints, minor attacks, or even viscious threats that, had it been the other way around and the registrant been accused of making threats or attacks, would have automatically made the registrant liable for decades in prison.

Ironically, the registrant in this case could not go to trial; it was entirely up to the prosecutor’s discretion with his relationship with the state. And the prosecutor knows that if he had to go to trial, he would be associated forever as a “child racist coddler” or similar.

How about he beat the victim because he (the perpetrator) is a crazed, violent, vigilante lunatic?

Sometimes the truth is so obvious it can’t be seen. It is easier to blame the victim.

$1,257 is a disgracefully small amount of restitution. Who decided on that amount and what was it based on, I wonder. So much discrimination abound in these laws. When they slammed them in, they were only thinking of their own political futures it seems.

Get a civil trial going and ask for a few million. maybe he will end up with a little more than the paltry sum they allotted.